

Yesterday a girl came in wearing a short-sleeved summer dress in yellow over purple sweat pants, with a pink t-shirt underneath. Today she wore pink printed capris, purple shoes, and a navy blue top. In Kindergarten we are learning patterns. Coordinating colors doesn't come til eighth grade Home Ec.


As much as it would be every Kindergartner's dream, recess is not a required part of the curriculum.


Today we learned about letter X and had to give an outline our own unique features. One boy gave himself a purple Mohawk. He was right about one thing and wrong about one thing. Purple his hair is not, but he does rock the Mohawk.

Translation, Please?

Stringing Fruit Loops for the class Christmas Tree. The instructions were, "String 10, eat one. String 10, eat one." They were translated into, "Put 10 in your mouth, string one." And, "String 10, eat one off the string."

Litmus Test

When the Kindergarten teacher sends home a note that says "help me do this project" she is not saying "do this project for me." Trust me, she can tell the difference.


It is astounding how a five-year-old can achieve Zen-like concentration on the object of their distraction in a matter of nano-seconds.